The Speaker of the GPL oversees the (overall) management of the Legislature. The Speaker also forms part of the sittings of the House and keeps control of all the debates that take place in the House.

The Speaker has a Deputy Speaker who stands in for them in their absence from the sittings of the House. Both the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker are MPLs, who are elected into their positions by other MPLs. The Chairperson of Committees co-ordinates the work of Committees and presides when both the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker are absent.

The Provincial Secretary or Secretary to the Legislature is the only office bearer who is not an elected official. The Secretary is the administrative head of the Legislature, a role which can be understood as the organisation’s CEO. The Secretary is responsible for managing the staff of the Legislature, whose daily work is to provide a support service to the MPLs. Executive Directors, Directors and Managers in different service functional streams in the GPL answer to the Secretary.

The Chief Whip (of the Legislature) is the most senior whip and is elected from the political party with the most MPLs in the House. Party Whips are the people who organise the work of MPLs in party caucuses. They are they are the people who decide which MPL will sit in which Committee.

Apart from the Secretary of the Legislature, all Office Bearers are MPLs. They are appointed to their positions by either their parties or by the House.

Presiding Officers

Speaker Winifred Morakane Mosupyoe [view profile]

Deputy Speaker Nomvuyo Memory Mhlakaza-Manamela [view profile]

Chairperson of Committees Dulton Adams

Deputy Chairperson of Committees Thulani Monti Kunene

Party Leaders

African National Congress

Democratic Alliance

Economic Freedom Fighters

Inkatha Freedom Party

Freedom Front Plus

Committee Chairpersons

Governance & Administration Cluster

Committee on the Scrutiny of Subordinate Legislation (CSSL)

Oversight Committee on the Premier’s Office & the Legislature (OCPOL)


Privileges and Ethics

Programming Winifred Morakane Mosupyoe (ANC)

Rules Winifred Morakane Mosupyoe (ANC)

Standing Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA)

Social Transformation Cluster

Community Safety

COGTA (Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs)



Social Development

SRAC (Sport, Recreation Arts and Culture)

Economic Transformation Cluster

EDEARD (Economic Development, Environment, Agriculture and Rural Development)


Infrastructure Development

Roads & Transport


Acting Secretary Linda Mwale