This morning, we awoke to the heart-wrenching news of former Minister Parvin Gordhan’s passing, a towering figure in South African history, a moment that feels heavy not only for his family and friends but for every one of us who had the privilege of witnessing his extraordinary life. As the Speaker of the Gauteng Legislature, I find myself struggling to capture the magnitude of the loss we have experienced today.

I am deeply moved to reflect on the legacy of a man who was not only a politician and anti-apartheid activist but a beacon of hope, integrity, and unshakable moral courage.

Pravin Gordhan’s life was one marked by relentless service to his country. As an advocate for democracy, his contributions to the fight against apartheid and his role in shaping South Africa’s political landscape cannot be overstated. He was a dedicated public servant who held various ministerial posts throughout his career, leaving an lasting impact on each portfolio he led..

Gordhan served as the Commissioner of SARS, and he established an institution that is well respected in the world, Minister of Finance during pivotal periods from 2009 to 2014, and again from 2015 to 2017, where his steady hand guided South Africa’s economic policies during challenging times. As Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs from 2014 to 2015, he worked to bridge the gap between local government and communities, always striving for equitable service delivery. His final ministerial role was as Minister of Public Enterprises from February 2018 until June 2024, where he oversaw crucial state-owned entities until the ministry was abolished following the 2024 general elections.

But beyond the titles and accolades, Pravin Gordhan’s legacy lies in his unflinching devotion to justice and equality. Throughout his life, he stood as a guardian of ethical governance, consistently championing the fight against corruption and ensuring that the needs of the people remained at the forefront of his efforts.

To his family, friends, colleagues, and comrades the Gauteng Legislature offers its deepest condolences. We share in your grief, but also in the immense pride of having walked alongside such an extraordinary individual. His legacy will continue to inspire generations to come, reminding us of all the values he held dear: resilience, humility, and a profound love for South Africa, and its people.

Pravin Gordhan’s journey may have ended, but his spirit remains with us, guiding our pursuit of the just and equitable society he envisioned. May his soul rest in peace, and may his remarkable legacy continue to light our way.

Issued by the Hon Morakane Mosupyoe- Speaker to the Gauteng Provincial Legislature